Do Mattresses Need To Breathe? (Explained)


When it comes to home maintenance, the benefit of regularly exposing your mattress to fresh air is frequently underestimated. A regularly aired mattress is less likely to hold allergies and bacteria than one that is not.

You may include a simple ventilation method in your normal cleaning routine from inside or outside your home. It’s entirely up to you whether you want to clean your mattress on its own or in combination with other household duties.


Allowing the mattress to air, even in the middle of winter, may help decrease the number of dust mites and other irritating bed bugs.

Do Mattresses Need To Breathe?

Yes, mattresses need to breathe to avoid the smell generated due to the accumulation of sweat and body oils. As a bonus, it removes any new mattress chemical odors that can be detrimental to your sleep.

The container’s top is also kept dry, reducing the danger of mold. Air movement via the air gaps may result in a cooling effect from the loss of body heat. You may improve ventilation by placing a bed frame or box spring under your mattresses. Slant it vertically every five to seven days to keep the foam dry.

Keep the surface dry by wiping it down and exposing it to fresh air frequently. There may be a need for some ventilation to keep these holes dry and germ-free.

Why should mattresses need to breathe?

Mattresses that are permeable to the air have several benefits over those that are not. Other benefits include a reduction in odors and a reduction in the accumulation of body oils in air space.

Here are some reasons that clearly explain, why mattresses need to breathe.

1. Evaporation of moisture

Perspiration and natural oils may cause a mattress to get saturated and should be avoided at all costs. A lack of airflow in the bed foam prevents sweat from dissipating.

Moisture is evaporatively evaporated from the surface of foam on a bed frame when air travels through it. Consequently, the mattress does not overheat because of the air movement between layers.

2. To make your bed cool and comfortable

It’s a need if you want a lovely surface and wants to keep things clean. With its presence, the atmosphere is more able to absorb water vapor.

3. Reduced off-gassing.

After months of being tightly wrapped, the mattress’s air supply has been cut off. Vapor-forming organic compounds (VOCs) are included instead.

Even when it is unrolled and placed on the frame, the scent persists, making it hard to sleep. Allow it to get some fresh air by leaving it out in the open for a few days to recuperate. Therefore, fresh air may be beneficial in reducing off-gassing. You may rest easy at night knowing that no noxious odors will linger in the house.

4. The average lifetime will increase

Your bed will lose its strength if you don’t allow it to breathe. The foam’s quality might be harmed if moisture and dead skin cells build upon its surface.

As a result, the life expectancy of foam is extended when it is properly ventilated. High levels of humidity can cause memory foam to degrade and sag.

5. to avoid mold attack

Mold and bacteria are more likely to thrive in a wet environment. In a moist environment, viruses and mold thrive. A wet bed is ideal for both.

As a result, sticky sweat droplets are prevented from forming and being released into the air when you sleep on a permeable mattress. Dirt and perspiration can clog the mattress’s pores, resulting in a lack of air circulation.

6. Heat dissipation

To keep you warm, it absorbs and stores your body heat. It can only disperse heat if there is a path for air to pass through it.

Because the bed is elevated, heat is dissipated more evenly throughout the room. On a level surface, the outside edges of a bed should be in direct contact with the ground.

How to increase the breathability of mattresses?

You can extend the life of your mattress by keeping the surface of your mattress permeable. Use fans to circulate additional air or allow the material to breathe naturally.

1. Keep some space between the bed and the ground

A box spring or bed frame on top of a mattress can help airflow through the mattress. When the bed’s base is big and robust, sweat particles cannot escape. It’s better to leave a gap for air to enter the foam as a consequence.

The release of odors and dead skin cells is facilitated by a space between the bed and the floor. To avoid overheating, the fabric will continue to allow air to flow.

2. Vertical slouches

You can also place the mattress against the wall in this position. When you sleep on your back, your feet are in close contact with the air. It becomes easier for air to flow through the material as its surface area increases.

For those who have to sleep on the floor, this is an excellent habit to develop. Because of the structure’s vertical orientation, the air can flow freely.

3. Enhance the air we breathe

Keep the windows open to allow fresh air to circulate through the area. The surface is kept dry by the natural air in an open area.

Increasing the number of fans in the space might also be an option. This can be done using a combination of natural and man-made sources.

4. A mattress topper and pillows are advised.

Cushions and toppers are available to reduce heat buildup in mattresses. They help you relax and reduce your body’s temperature.

In addition, the material used in the production of these pillows and toppers is effective at both absorbing and dissipating heat. Using a cool gel topping is preferable because your body heat will not be able to reach it.

5. Prevent the buildup of moisture

To prevent water droplets from clogging up the mattress’s pores, you should keep the mattress surface dry. Additionally, it may serve as an airflow barrier by covering the bed’s entire surface area.

The ability of bedding materials to promote air circulation may be reduced if they are exposed to dampness. This can be done by covering the container in a waterproof material.

6. Comfy sheets for the bed

Sleeping sheets should be light, soft, and thin to allow for proper ventilation. In the summer, when the bedding is thick and heated, body oils may seep into the air gaps, causing odors.

Breathing capacity is reduced when oil droplets block these holes. As a result, selecting a bed made of cotton or another light material that allows for ventilation is critical.

what should go beneath the mattress?

This practice, which is popular among some, can be detrimental to one’s health because it reduces one’s time spent in close proximity to the natural world.  An increase in wetness and reduced air movement across layers of a bed is made less pleasant to sleep on by this.

Insects and dust mites can easily enter your bed. You can use cardboard or a box spring as an alternative to foam.

You can prevent heat and moisture buildup by placing a barrier underneath it.

When bed foam is set on a strong base, both the longevity of the bed foam and its breathability are increased. It is possible to get a similar effect by using plywood as the base. Because it does not attract dust as a box spring does, a bed foundation made of plywood is recommended over one made of a box spring. When it comes to providing support for foam, box springs aren’t the only choice available.

In addition, there is a modest platform that lifts the bed and prevents it from sagging at the foot of the mattress. On top of this thin base, you can position a mattress made of memory foam.

It’s possible that sleeping on memory foam will help you obtain a better night’s rest. In addition, there are voids or pockets of air throughout the material, which allows for adequate ventilation.

Memory foam is the same as any other kind of mattress when it comes to the category. These air holes assist in evaporating sweat and contribute to the mattress’s overall cooling properties.

It is important to prevent the formation of a foul odor by allowing new memory foam to air once it has been purchased. If the mattress is not allowed to air, then any perspiration that may have dripped onto it will not be able to evaporate.


Mold may grow in mattresses with coils due to the conditions they create. A mattress must be capable of breathing and exhaling its air. While sleeping, some individuals perspire more than others. The moisture ultimately makes its way to the bottom of the mattress, where gravity naturally guides it, since it has to go somewhere. allowing air to move freely through the foam layer of the mattress.

It’s also crucial that the mattress’s surface layers have enough airflow to prevent heat buildup, which may be uncomfortable. When we sleep, ventilation is crucial for the flow of sweat. Every night, we produce around one cup of sweat.

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